设计体验. 设计旅程. 实现互联未来.
IBI流动+™ is the guiding philosophy behind our global body of work in the transportation, 交通和智慧城市领域, 城市之间相互连接, 居民回到他们的社区. From strategy and policy development to transit-oriented community masterplans; from critical engineering work and systems integration to award-winning transit station design; we work with the public and private sectors to enable a connected, 多通道的未来.
我们的交通解决方案更加智能, 快, more comfortable journeys for both travellers and road and transit network operators. They are designed to work seamlessly together – but are also available as stand-alone solutions.
一个internationally-proven, white-label advanced traveller information system (ATIS) that provides real-time, 向市民提供多式联运行程规划.
Our roadside and back-office systems offer flexible toll collection capabilities with support for a wide range of field equipment vendors and technologies.
Our system serves as the centralized automated hub for the creation, 管理, and dissemination of service alert information to the public and transit partners.
圣地亚哥地区正在经历一场重大的, 从2000年代中期开始分阶段升级其区域交通系统. The SR 15 Mid-City Centerline Rapid Transit Stations includes dedicated, SR 15高速公路上的公交专用车道, 以及两个高速公路水平的车站,以保持圣地亚哥的交通. IBI Group has led the station work from initial concept planning with the community, 通过初步设计和最终设计, 现在设计施工期间的支撑.
Eglinton Crosstown轻轨
The ECLRT is Toronto’s most significant transit expansion in decades, 横跨整个城市19条.5公里的地上和地下轨道. When finished, the new line will connect five boroughs via multi-modal stations.
Developed for the Bristol City Council as part of their Smart City programme, 这个连接的操作中心旨在提供综合的, city-wide 管理 and service delivery to strengthen citizen living.